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Quote from Woody in No Rest for the Woody

Woody: All right, where's my money?
Gordon: What?
Woody: Come on, come on, you know the routine. l- l- l did this earlier. I give you blood, you give me money.
Gordon: You gave blood already today?
Woody: I didn't give it, I sold it. Hey, I got a ring to pay for, damn you.
Frasier: Woody, are you saying that after four days of virtually no sleep at all, you gave blood today twice?
Woody: Is that bad?
Frasier: Yes! The body can't take that kind of punishment. You're suffering from a lack of blood and a lack of sleep. My God, I'm surprised you're not hallucinating.
Woody: Huh. Don't worry about me, Dr. Crane. I'm fine. I just need a little sleep before that party tomorrow night. Huh! Hallucinating.
Kelly: [enters] Woody. Why aren't you dressed for the party?
Woody: What party? Who are you? Why am I covered with ants?!

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