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Quote from Cliff in No Rest for the Woody

Cliff: You know, I understand that, Norm, the brain stays alive long after the body's lying in a coffin. Yeah, poor desperate soul in there trying to scream out, "Don't bury me! I'm not dead yet!"
Norm: And all they can muster is one final frantic gurgle.
Cliff: Oh, the gurgle!
Norm: Listen for that gurgle, Woody. You listen for that gurgle.
Woody: Hey, you guys are just trying to scare me, right? Forget it. I got a job to do. I've got a ring to pay for. Get out.
Cliff: [gurgling voice] Good night!
Norm: [gurgling voice] See ya!
Woody: Good night, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Clavin.
Cliff: [gurgling voice] Want to take a cab?
Woody: Oh, man, buried alive. Give me a break!
Rebecca: [o.s.] [echoey voice] Woody! Will someone let me out of here?!
Woody: [creaming] Agh! Mr. Peterson! Mr. Clavin! [runs out]

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