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Quote from Sam in Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment

Frasier: Oh, my Lord! That would scare even the most heartiest soul.
Norm: Oh It's like being in a haunted house, isn't it? A haunted house with free taps.
Sam: I can't wait for Gary to see this. He's gonna really freak out. [chuckles] Oh, here he is now.
Carla: Wow! He was so scared he passed out.
Sam: Gee, I wonder what we should do.
Frasier: Well, I think the responsible thing to do would be to bring him to and then, uh, run. [all laugh]
Carla: Hey, guys, what if the blood pressure stuff was true? I mean, that could be dangerous.
Sam: Oh, come on, give me a break. He was faking. He's probably faking now. Come on, Gary, get up.
Frasier: I don't think he can, Sam. I don't feel a pulse.
Sam: Oh, come on, you got to be kidding.
Frasier: No, Sam. Gary's dead.

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