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Quote from Norm in Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure

Frasier: Okay. Here, come come and sit down. You know, I can't tell you how special this is. We never seem to get together outside of that infernal bar. Never get together just as pals.
Norm: Yeah, whatever. Fras, you don't have any Chinese left, do you?
Frasier: No, sorry.
Cliff: Norm, Norm we come here to talk about a topic a lot more important than food. Found an almond cookie.
Sam: If you're here to try to patch up my relationship with Mr. Malone, just forget it.
Norm: Give me half, will you, Cliff?
Frasier: I tell you, I have seen the last of that ex-jock in a pompadour.
Cliff: Frasier, you've got to let us explain what happened here.
Norm: Fras, um, you see, sometimes guys do things, you know, which they they think seem like a good idea at the time. [takes the rest of Cliff's cookie] But they're really not such a good idea. I guess what I'm trying to say is...
Sam: That that Sam wants me to come back to Cheers so that he can get down on his knees and apologize to me in public and in person.
Norm: Yeah, that's even better. Great, come on, let's go.

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