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Quote from Sam in Finally! (Part 1)

Rebecca: Oh, Sam. Isn't this a beautiful night?
Sam: Yeah, especially love the way the neon light shows up that grease stain on your blouse.
Rebecca: There is a grease stain. Well, I'm gonna leave it there 'cause it will remind me of this place for the rest of my life. That's stupid, isn't it? I'm gonna go inside and clean it off. Sam, I know that this probably looks like some dive to you, but tonight, to me, it looks like the most wonderful place in the world. This is where I found out that I was Robin Colcord's... One and only. I'll be right back.
Sam: Don't take too long.
Rebecca: I won't.
[As Rebecca walks back inside and Sam opens up a news paper, a white limosene pulls up and out steps Robin Colcord with another woman. They kiss before walking towards the restaurant.]
Woman: This place is nice?
Robin: Oh, yes. I bring a lot of people here. Hi, Sam.
Sam: Hello.

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