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Quote from Woody in Feeble Attraction

Host: [on radio] Mr. Boyd, what was the coldest day in Boston's history?
Woody: [on the phone] Well, you don't really care. You're just like all the rest.
Carla: Woody, tell him.
Woody: All right. The coldest day in Boston's history is January 12, 1981.
Host: Mr. Boyd, you've won our grand prize!
Carla: All right!
Woody: The winds were westerly at 20 miles per hour.
Host: You'll be staying...
Woody: Interestingly enough, the coldest day in Boston's history did not start out that way.
Host: ...home of the world-famous mahi-mahi burger.
Woody: The barometric pressure was hovering...
Host: Hey, weatherman, shut up!
Woody: Not till I'm finished.
Carla: [on the phone] Give me that. He'll be right down to pick up his prize.
Woody: What did I win, a t-shirt?
Carla: Woody, you're going to Hawaii.
Woody: I'm going to Hawaii? It's not cold there, suckers!

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