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Quote from Norm in The Two Faces of Norm

Rudy: A couple hours after you left, I went back to the office. Now I think you know what I found.
Norm: Um, yeah, well, that...
Rudy: And then I finally started piecing it together. Why I never saw Norm Peterson or Mr. Kreitzer in the same room at the same time. Or why you happened to be in the office when we got there. This whole thing was a masquerade, wasn't it?
Norm: Yeah.
Rudy: I can't believe we fell for it! You know, all this time, we thought you were just a sweet, beer-guzzling lug named Norm Peterson. Well, the jig is up, Kreitzer!
Norm: What?
Rudy: Oh, man, that's pretty slick pretending to be a nice guy so you could spy on us.

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