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Quote from Norm in Woody for Hire Meets Norman of the Apes

Norm: Cliff, I finished half your place. I'll be happy to come by and finish the rest of it, okay? I'd appreciate a check. If you've got a problem with that, why don't we work out a payment schedule right now?
Cliff: Look, uh, Norm, money is not a problem. You know that. It's just, uh, well, I'm not a cheap man.
Norm: Oh, a statement I'll wager has never been uttered by anyone but a cheap man.
Cliff: Look, Norm, if I knew you were going to charge me for all this, I would've demanded a better job. Now, I've been letting you slide, buddy.
Norm: If you think the work is so worthless, just finish it yourself, Cliff.
Cliff: Well, uh, not that I couldn't. I mean, it doesn't exactly take a Phi Beta Kappa to stick a brush in a bucket, slap it on a wall, does it? I mean, any monkey can do that, huh?
Norm: Oh, yeah, as opposed to the high level of skill and precision it takes to shove a postcard through a slot.
Cliff: That's enough, enough, okay, enough, Normie. I'm, uh, waiting for an apology.
Norm: Fine. I'll drop it in the mail. That way, you'll never get it.

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