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Quote from Norm in Tan 'n' Wash

Norm: Ah, Woody. Woody, Woody, Woody. Look at them, huh? Isn't that great? They're singin' and dancin'. It gives me a great feeling all over to do something good for those people.
Woody: Oh, speaking of people, you got one on hold here.
Norm: [answers the phone] Hello. Yeah, hi. Oh, no. No. No, get out. No! What're you...? No, man, no! No... Well, at least we... No?! We- No? But wait a... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. [hangs up]
Woody: Bad news, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Wrong number, Woody.
Woody: Aren't those annoying?
Norm: [goes outside] Uh... Huh! Guys! Good friends! Listen, people, uh, excuse me! Listen, I know things have been going just beautifully, but, uh, hey, would you stop jumping up and down for a second?! Thank you. Now let's just take a hypothetical situation. Just for fun, let's just say that the roof collapsed over at Tan 'N' Wash from the weight of all this snow and by some little quirk we didn't have any insurance. How would you guys feel about that, huh? [Norm is pelted with snowballs] Just checking.

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