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Quote from Diane in Strange Bedfellows, Part 3

Diane: I have a question.
Sam: What? What are you--?
Phil Schumacher: Excuse me. What paper do you represent?
Diane: Hurley's Market Shopper's Guide.
Phil Schumacher: Uh, I'm afraid this is for newspaper reporters only.
Diane: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was America.
Janet Eldridge: No, no, Phil, it's okay. Hello again, Miss Chambers.
Diane: Hello, and thank you. Councillor, on the less political side, there seems to be a lot of interest in the two of you. Mr. Malone, would you care to comment on your plans for the future?
Sam: Yeah, I thought we'd grab a pizza, then try to catch a movie on the tube later on.
Diane: How delightful. But let me be a little more specific. The hottest topic in town is whether or not there are wedding bells in Sam and Janet's future. Can you confirm or deny these rumors? Why don't you give us a scoop.
Janet Eldridge: I'm sure there are more important issues to be discussed in this forum than that, Miss Chambers.

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