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Quote from Diane in No Help Wanted

Norm: Dishwasher. I guess I've sunk about as low as an accountant can sink. I graduated 30th in my class. Now I spend my afternoons watching lettuce float.
Diane: Norman, I've got it. You're an accountant. You should be accounting. Sam, why don't you put Norman on as your accountant?
Cliff: Yeah, yeah.
Norm: That would be fabulous.
Sam: I already have an account.
Diane: Well, fire him and hire Norman.
Sam: Diane, can I speak to you over here?
Diane: Certainly.
Cliff: What's the matter, Sammy? Don't you think it's a good idea?
Sam: Oh, no, you bet. You bet. I just want to tell her in private how much I like it.
Diane: Ooh, sounds like Miss Chambers is going to get a buss on the cheek.
Carla: Let's hope it's going at least 80.

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