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Quote from Carla in Affairs of the Heart

Hank: I just got so carried away, I didn't stop to think what it might do to you.
Carla: I don't know what to think about all this.
Hank: I guess I'd better leave.
Sam: Hey, Hank, couldn't you and Carla just be good friends, real good friends?
Hank: No. I don't want to be just friends with Carla. It would drive me crazy to be so close to you and not touch you.
Carla: Hear that, beanpole?
Hank: Carla, I'm sorry I disappointed you.
Carla: Wait, wait, wait a minute. I just thought of something. In a way, I think maybe you and I were perfect together. See, we never had an argument, right? Not a harsh word. No one looking in another direction.
Diane: Yes. It's like an incredibly delicate flower. It doesn't matter how long it lasts.
Carla: Hey, whitey, this is my moment here.
Diane: I'm sorry.
Carla: In a way, Hank, I'll always remember you as the best lover I ever had.
Hank: Carla. [kisses her] Goodbye.

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