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Quote from Woody in Woody Gets an Election

Norm: Hey, hey, huh? Good luck, all right? Don't forget that little talk we had about extending unemployment benefits.
Woody: Consider it done, Mr. Peterson. Oh, hey, Dr. Crane. Listen, uh... I just wanted to thank you, you know? Uh, without you, I couldn't have done this. In fact, you're directly responsible.
Frasier: No one can prove that.
Woody: I know you don't have a lot of faith in me, Dr. Crane, but I'm gonna prove you're wrong. I'm gonna study hard on all the issues, and I'm gonna be a great city councilman, and maybe this is just the first rung on a very long ladder, and you're the man who made it happen.
[Frasier imagines a booming explosion]

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