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Quote from Carla in Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

John: Perhaps the diuretic is making me sentimental, but, uh... What do you suppose would happen if we were foolhardy enough to attempt to take our relationship to the next plateau?Hypothetically, of course.
Carla: Yeah, well, I have thought about that a little bit. I'm not proud of it, but I've thought of it.
John: After all, we have eight celibate weeks in which to get to know each other better.
Carla: Okay, I'm game.
John: Uh, so, uh, Miss Tortelli.
Carla: Carla.
John: Oh, Carla! Carla... that's a pretty name.
Carla: Thank you.
John: So, uh, you, uh, you have any children?
Carla: ... No. So, uh, what's it like running a restaurant?
John: Well, you know, a lot of work, but, uh, very rewarding.
Carla: Oh, that's good. I mean that it's rewarding. Because there are a lot of jobs that aren't rewarding, and it's good that you found a job that is rewarding.

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