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Quote from Carla in Ma's Little Maggie

Carla: Say, uh, listen. You're going to marry Cliff, right?
Margaret: That's right.
Carla: Well, could you just do me a little favor?
Margaret: What's that?
Carla: Don't bring any more Clavins into this world. It's not right. It's just not right.
Margaret: Poor, poor Carla. Cliff told me all about the affair you had with him. And I just want you to know that I bear no grudge.
Carla: I... I... l... [walks away]
Paul: I didn't know Carla and Cliff had an affair. That explains a lot.
Margaret: That poor woman. I know he cut her deeply when he broke up with her. But, Rebecca, you seem to have bounced back.

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