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Quote from Sam in Uncle Sam Wants You

[dream sequence:]
Elvis: Now, this baby's gonna need a mama, Sam.
Sam: Yeah, I know that, Elvis, but I... I can't think of anybody.
Elvis: Well, I just think you're overlooking someone.
Sam: Who?
Elvis: Miss Rebecca Howe.
Sam: Rebecca?
Elvis: Miss Rebecca. She's been a true friend, and... And you've been through so much together. There's a lot of love in her heart, Sam. She has no one to give it to. And she's a handsome woman.
Sam: Miss Rebecca? Really?
Elvis: Think about her, Sam. I know I'm right. Now, if you'll just excuse me, man. I got to go back and frolic on a beach, or jump in a stock car race or something. I don't know what they got me doing in this one. Later, Sam.

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