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Quote from Cliff in It's a Wonderful Wife

Norm: Well, that's it. I'm out of here.
Cliff: "Out of here"? Norm, it's 9:30. It's not closing time.
Norm: I know. I'm still leaving.
Cliff: Oh, well, I'll drive you, then, okay?
Norm: No, no, no, I don't need a ride. I didn't even have any beers.
Cliff: I hope you're happy, woman.
Norm: Look, guys, uh... I can't keep hanging around here. Knowing that she's up there just spoils the whole thing for me. I'll have to find another bar, I guess.
Cliff: I don't believe this! You're just gonna up and walk out of here? Oh, I'm gonna say something that I thought I'd never say, but... dibs on the first stool!

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