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Quote from Sam in Cry Hard

Frasier: Now, look, I think it's appropriate that we all consider the fact that Rebecca could possibly go to prison for this. Can you imagine our helpless Rebecca in a women's prison?
Sam: Yeah. Come on. Wait a minute. This is serious.
Cliff: What do you think, Sam? What do you think she'll be wearing, huh? Faded cutoff jeans with a work shirt tied just above the belly button? Or a tight uniform that sweats through when she's wrestling the sadistic warden? Huh?
Sam: No, no, look, later, later, you know? At the end of the day when we have a moment to relax. No, what are we talking about here? She's not gonna go to jail. She's gonna turn that rich creep in. I better go see if she needs a ride or something. Hey, Cliff, wet tank top, no bra, tussle in the shower.
Cliff: Hey.
Sam: No, no no. Whoa, whoa. Save it for later.

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