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Quote from Woody in What Is... Cliff Clavin?

Rebecca: You know how people go on the show Jeopardy! and they always tell some little amusing anecdote?
Cliff: Yeah, sure.
Rebecca: Well, I was just standing over there thinking that maybe it would be good publicity for the bar if you could come up with a funny little blurb about Cheers.
Norm: Cliffie, I know, why don't you tell them about the time we got that really bad keg of beer and everyone got sick all over the place, remember?
Cliff: Yeah!
Carla: No, no, no, remember that glow in the dark men's room fungus?
Woody: Now how about the time you found that dead possum on the steps? At least I hope that was a possum. I hate to think a rat could get that big.

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