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Quote from Sam in The Big Kiss-Off

Sam: Well, it's time for me to be all that I can be.
Carla: You enlisted in the Army, you idiot?
Sam: Hey, we do more by 9:00 a.m. than most people do all day.
Frasier: And that's a selling point to you?
Sam: Yeah, and I've had a bellyful of that Ayatollah guy. Quite frankly I don't like what's been happening in the Persian Gulf. So, I'm off to... Uh, I'm off to Persia. I just wanted to shake a few hands, say good-bye. Kiss a few girls for the last time. [to Rebecca] Well, baby this is good-bye. Yep, this may be the last time you ever see this dogface.
Carla: You can always take a gander at this one. [points to Cliff]

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