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Quote from Sam in The Big Kiss-Off

Sam: Oh, watch this. Say, Rebecca. Oh, excuse me for a minute. Caroline, are you all right? You look kind of depressed.
Caroline: [sighs] Oh, Sam, it's the same old thing.
Sam: What?
Caroline: I'm so in love with my boss, and I just can't get him to notice me.
Sam: Well, have you tried kissing him like this? [kisses Caroline]
Caroline: Oh, my God. That was... That was... Oh, thank heaven you showed it to me. There's no way anyone could possibly describe it. If I kiss him like that, he's bound to fall in love with me. Bye, Sam.
Sam: Bye-bye. You two have a great honeymoon. [quietly] Thank you so much.
Caroline: Anything to get my disc player back. [exits]
Sam: Hey, hey, hey... By the way, Rebecca, how are things between you and your boss? Anything, uh, I can do? These lips remind you of anything?
Rebecca: Yeah, I think the liver in my freezer's gone bad.

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