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Quote from Cliff in The Last Angry Mailman

Jim McNulty: Hey, Cliff, remember me?
Cliff: Yeah, yeah. Jim McNulty. You own a house down at the corner. You ever going to take those Christmas lights down?
Jim McNulty: Yeah, as soon as a weekend goes by you don't have another garage sale. Listen, l, uh, I've been going around to good neighbors like yourself hoping I can get your support.
Cliff: Well, uh what am I looking at here?
Jim McNulty: Oh, it's a petition agreeing not to sell out to these big developers who've been trying to buy up our houses and build mini malls.
Cliff: [chuckling] Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo. You know, new development only increases property values. I wouldn't sign that petition if you beat me senseless.
Carla: You know, it may be too late, but let's give it a try.

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