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Quote from Sam in I on Sports

Sam: Um, Miss Howe, we're running low on napkins.
Rebecca: [o.s.] So order more.
Sam: I don't know how many more. I don't run the bar anymore. Thank you. I appreciate this very much. [phone rings] I'll get it. I'll get it. [answers phone] Cheers. Yeah, this is Sam Malone. What? You say my apartment's been robbed?
Cliff: Oh, Sammy!
Sam: You say I've been cleaned out? Well, damn. Yeah, I guess I could get over there right away and maybe expect not to be back here for a few hours, huh? Well, thank you very much. Thank you. [hangs up] That was my landlord. Do you believe this? I've been robbed. What's happening to this city? [exits]
Frasier: Go on, Sammy.
All: [chanting] Go, Sammy! Go, Sammy! Go, Sammy, go!
Norm: We're a, uh, victim support group.

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