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Quote from Sam in Dog Bites Cliff

Woody: [answers phone] Cheers. Oh, hey, Mr. Clavin, what's new? Sure thing. Hold on. Sam, it's for you.
Sam: Yeah, Cliff?
Cliff: Oh, hey, Sammy Sammy? It's, uh, it's about to happen.
Sam: And y- You stopped to call me?
Cliff: She's, uh, she's in the john putting on her best bib and tucker. Hey, uh, Sam, can I make a small confession?
Sam: Sure.
Cliff: I'm scared.
Sam: Well, Cliff, if it's any consolation, I've seen her, and I'm scared for you.
Cliff: [sees Madeline] Oh, my God. Oh, Sam. [drops the phone]

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