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Quote from Carla in Chambers vs. Malone

Sam: Did you hear that? Diane said she woke up with this feeling that I'm gonna propose to her. The stupidest thing I've ever heard. [loud clank]
Carla: Don't ever make fun of a woman when she says she has a feeling about something. Sammy, you're tampering with the psychic world here, and you're gonna be sorry.
Sam: Oh, come on.
Carla: No, no, no, I'm serious. It has to do with a woman's cycle. See, somehow it's plugged into the supernatural.
Sam: Oh, you're being ridiculous.
Carla: No, no, Sammy, please. Come here. Please.
Sam: What?
Carla: Just promise me you'll be careful.
Sam: Okay, I'll be careful.

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