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Quote from Sam in Young Dr. Weinstein

Maitre D': Doctor.
Sam: Ah, Paul.
Maitre D': Can I get you anything else?
Sam: Uh, what do you have?
Maitre D': Anything for you, Dr. Weinstein.
Sam: Ah, well... You know, I just can't make up my mind. Why don't you have my dear friend Claude mix me up something special?
Maitre D': Very good.
Diane: I really do appreciate your coming back, Sam. It was sweet.
Sam: No, no, it's not sweet. I- I did it for myself. I was feeling guilty out there, and I don't like to feel guilty.
Diane: Well, that's sweet in itself.
Sam: Well, we'll see how sweet you think it is when I have you pay for your own meal.

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