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Quote from Sam in Relief Bartender

Sam: Hey, leave me alone, please.
Diane: Oh, Sam, I'm sorry. It's just obvious what has to happen here. You have to go back behind the bar.
Sam: I know. I know. I've known it for a long time.
Diane: But why aren't you doing anything about it?
Sam: Well, because doing something about it means I have to fire Ken.
Diane: Oh, right. And he's such a nice guy too.
Sam: Yeah, damn it. All right, I've put this off long enough. Go get Ken. I'll handle this right now, and I'll do it quickly, cleanly and painlessly. Just like a surgeon. Yeah. Yeah, just like a surgeon.
Diane: Very well. He's headed this way. All right. I suggest you start scrubbing up, Dr. Malone.

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