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Quote from Diane in Dark Imaginings

Diane: Sam, I know what this is all about. Dating young girls. Nearly killing yourself to beat Woody. Not telling us you were in the hospital.
Sam: No, I didn't tell you I was in the hospital because... I got a hernia, and it's an old man's problem, and I didn't want, you know, the guys to make fun of me. That's all.
Diane: First of all, people of all ages get hernias. Second of all, getting older is the most natural thing in the world. There's nothing to fear. Accept it.
Sam: I will not accept it! Listen, the day you start accepting getting old is the day you get old.
Diane: All right, Sam. Have it your way.
Sam: Yeah.
Diane: But I think you'd be much happier and content if instead of fighting the advancing years, you embrace them joyfully.
Sam: No.

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