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Quote from Diane in Diane Meets Mom

Hester Crane: I've never encountered such hostility, personally or professionally. I'm leaving.
Frasier: No, just a minute, let's all take a beat. Now, the three of us are going into Sam's office and we're goin to work this thing through. There's got to be a logical explanation. And there'd better be, Diane.
Diane: Well, it's a joke. It's all joking. Hester, you're with me on this, aren't you?
Hester Crane: If terrible threats constitute jokes, no, I'm not with you on this. [Frasier and Hester go into Sam's office]
Diane: OK, time to take stock here. I'm not crazy, right, Diane? Right you are. [goes into Sam's office]
Sam: [to himself] A whole year of my life.

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