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Quote from Carla in Endless Slumper

Sam: You're in luck here. A genuine Red Sock's on his way over.
Carla: No kiddin'? [wipes glass]
Sam: What are you doing?
Carla: Sam, I don't want a Boston Red Sock to come in here and get a glass with lipstick on it or crud at the bottom. [to a guy at the bar] Sit up straight, will ya?
Carla: So who is it, huh? Evans? Rice? Yaz?
Sam: You heard of Rick Walker?
Carla: [spits in a glass] He can use that one.
Sam: Carla.
Carla: For five years, when he pitched for Detroit, we couldn't win a game against them. Then he signed for the Sox for big bucks and now he's leading the league in early showers.

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