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Quote from Cliff in Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

Mr. Cranston: As I was saying, I was gonna boot you out, but your mother made a stirring speech in your defence. By the time she finished reading that passage from the Bible, we were all in tears.
Cliff: Even Hitler?
Mr. Cranston: Even Hitler. Oh, Mr. O'Leary. Now I will allow you to stay, if you apologize to him and promise not to pursue this matter any further. Now do I have your word?
Cliff: Yeah, okay. I promise. So just don't boot us out, all right?
Mr. Cranston: Agreed.
Cliff: Well, thank you. You know, I- I know I get out of hand occasionally. I've got all this pent-up energy, a lot of time on my hands. You know, uh, I'm Civil Service.
Mr. Cranston: Well, that explains it. I will let you off with a warning this time, Clavin.
Cliff: Does this mean I can go back in the laundry room?
Mr. Cranston: No. That's a whole separate thing.

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