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Quote from Cliff in The Magnificent Six

Norm: Hey, Cliffie. What you doing?
Cliff: Uh, writing a letter of application for the Eco pod.
Norm: What the heck's the Eco pod?
Cliff: It's a totally self-contained environment located in a mile-wide bubble underneath the desert floor. Yeah. It's gonna be inhabited by the best and the brightest of the, uh, human species, so I- I thought I'd apply.
Carla: They're gonna have a zoo in there, too?
Cliff: Yeah. Yeah, very funny, Carla. You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face when they make me Postmaster General of the Eco pod.
Frasier: Actually, the Eco pod does have some scientific merit. It was designed by a colleague of Lilith's, Dr. Louis Pascal. It will serve as a prototype for the colonization of space. Plus which, the grant money is incredible. I hear Pascal's driving a Lexus.
Cliff: Boy, I sure hope I get a shot at being sealed up in that thing.
Carla: Say, would a petition help?
Cliff: It might.
Alan: Hey, I'll sign that.
Carla: No! I'm first!
Norm: Okay.
Cliff: Boy. [weepy] You guys are the best friends a fellow ever had.

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