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Quote from Carla in Bar Wars VI: This Time It's for Real

Agent Carmichael: Anyway, yesterday evening, we made a recording of a conversation in which Mr.
Carpaccio threatened you, Mr. Malone, along with several other unidentified people, whose lives are all in danger now.
Sam: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Carla: Wait a minute. What does this have to do with us?
Agent Carmichael: Well, we'd like all of you to testify against Mr. Carpaccio in court.
Carla: Excuse me.
Sam: What? What are you doing?
Carla: Look, if I can get to confession fast enough, maybe I can get capped in a state of grace.
Sam: Carla, come on, that's not gonna help.
Carla: Look, Sam, they want us to sing against this guy in court, okay? We'll all be dead.
Woody: Us? What about our pets?

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