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Quote from Lilith in One Hugs, the Other Doesn't

Frasier: So it's it's really behind us?
Lilith: Yes, just don't mention her. The chapter is closed.
Frasier: So, in other words, you don't want her to come in here and apologize to you.
Lilith: No.
Nanny G: [enters] Hi. Storm over yet? Time to make a rainbow? Lilith, I'm so sorry if I caused you any pain. I would have hated it if anybody had kissed my husband the way I kissed yours. I guess I've just always been a a kissy person. A huggy, kissy person. Give me a big hug.
Lilith: I'd really prefer not to.
Frasier: Lilith is not a huggy person.
Nanny G: I know someone who could never get enough huggings.
Frasier: Well...
Nanny G: Well, I feel like I want to hug you. You don't have to hug back. [hugs Lilith] And you didn't.

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