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Quote from Cliff in Where Have All the Floorboards Gone?

Sam: How come you're not in bed, man?
Kevin McHale: Oh, I couldn't sleep.
Sam: You got a big game tomorrow.
Kevin McHale: I don't care. All I care about are those bolts. So I ran out and got a set of blueprints to the Garden. Find out how many bolts there are in that floor right now.
Norm: Wait a minute. Where'd you get blueprints this time of night?
Kevin McHale: Ah, I know somebody down at City Hall. Kind of a sports legend in this town, huh?
Norm: Oh, yeah?
Cliff: Yeah, all right. Oh, hey, gee, there, I'm sorry, Kevin, but these are the blueprints for the new Garden that they're building.
Kevin McHale: No.
Cliff: Yeah, yeah, you see, there should be a mailbox right there.

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