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Quote from Cliff in Ma's Little Maggie

Esther Clavin: Good news, kiddies! The wedding's going to have a luau theme. I've booked the Tiki Hut on Route Nine.
Cliff: Ma, I want to talk to you. You can stop grinding that organ right now. I'm taking off my little hat. I'm not your monkey anymore.
Esther Clavin: Clifford, we haven't got time for the monkey speech. We're too busy.
Cliff: I love you, Ma, but I'm not going to be railroaded into marriage just to make you happy. You've been running my life long enough, and it's time for me to take the wheel.
Esther Clavin: Why, Clifford Clavin, how dare you speak to your mother like that?!
Cliff: I'm 42 years old, and I'll speak to you any way I wish!
Esther Clavin: My word!

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