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Quote from Sam in Breaking In Is Hard to Do

Sam: Hey, guys, look at this. It's Doug Aducci, one of the best damn umpires in the American League.
Doug Aducci: And, uh, Sam here was one of the best, uh... groomed pitchers in the American League, huh?
Sam: Sit down here. God, I can't believe this. Last time I saw this guy, we were playing the Yankees. You were behind the plate, ninth inning. I was on the mound, up by one. He calls ball four on Munson. Next guy up is Chambliss, knocks one right out of the park. Not that I care, man, but, you know, that was a strike.
Doug Aducci: No, if I called it a ball, it was a ball, Sam.
Sam: [chuckles] It was right at the knees.
Doug Aducci: It must have been low.
Sam: No, no, man, you gave me the same pitch on Roy White.
Doug Aducci: That was 1975, Sam. It's over.
Sam: The point is that Chambliss should never have come up.
Doug Aducci: Look, Malone, I said it was over!
Sam: All I'm asking, Aducci - if that's your real name - is that you be consistent, for God's sake! I mean, that was my livelihood!
Doug Aducci: That's enough, Malone! Go get my drink!
Sam: Hey, get your own drink!
Doug Aducci: What?!
Sam: You heard-- What, are you hard of hearing, too?!
Doug Aducci: That's it! You're out of here!
Sam: You'd throw me out for that?!
Doug Aducci: Take a hike, Malone, right now! I'll take a hike, but not before I do this! You stupid-- I can't believe it! [Sam leaves in a rage] Eh, it may have been a strike. I was going through a divorce that year.

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