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Quote from Sam in Cheers Fouls Out

Sam: Listen, Kevin, about the, uh, these orphans, uh well, they're not coming. Uh, seems there was some kind of mix-up. You know, they had tickets to the, uh, circus or something like that. You know these orphans, they're always getting freebies.
Woody: Oh. I don't know, Sam, there's no circus in town.
Sam: Well, uh, may-- Oh, right. It was the, uh, monster truck rally. That was it.
Cliff: No, no, no, no, not tonight.
Sam: All right, guys, where do you think the orphans are?
Kevin McHale: Come on, Sam. There are no orphans, are there?
Sam: Well, in the world? God, Kevin, I wish that were true, man!

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