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Quote from Woody in Woody or Won't He

Norm: So smooth sailing, huh, Wood?
Woody: Yeah, I'm so relieved.
Norm: All right.
Woody: I should have known that Mrs. Gaines wouldn't be interested in me. I should have known that a nice classy lady like her would never be interested in a naive Indiana farm boy.
Sam: Well, I have to admit it is kind of silly, isn't it?
Norm: Woody and Mrs. Gaines... That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.
Woody: Hey, man, you think that's funny? Wait'll you hear this. "Dear Woody, Kelly thinks I'm writing you an apology. What I really want to say is I ache for you, my strong young coconut. I live for the moment when I can harvest your lusty fruit. Love, Roxanne." Is she a crack-up, or what?

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