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Quote from Sam in The Two Faces of Norm

Norm: Doris, hi. Anybody been here to see Mr. Kreitzer?
Doris: Oh, no. Mr. Kreitzer's left me very specific instructions. He is not to be disturbed under any circumstances.
Norm: Great.
Doris: Mr. Kreitzer's very demanding.
Sam: Doris, honey, hasn't it ever struck you that you've never seen the man?
Doris: All I know is, this is the best job I've ever had. I mean, it's true Mr. Kreitzer chews me out on the phone now and then... But I deserve it. Actually, I was hoping you were Mr. Kreitzer.
Sam: Actually, uh, Doris, I'm doing a little research here. As a woman, would you ever consider going out with someone who drives a Volare?
Doris: Are you kidding? I drive one myself. It used to be my mother's.
Sam: I got to get my car back.

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