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Quote from Woody in Golden Boyd

Nash: Okay, Boyd, I'm here.
Woody: Yeah, so am l. Course, I'm always here, so it's no big deal.
Nash: You know, I wouldn't feel right beating you senseless, unless I warn you in advance, I was on the boxing team at Princeton.
Woody: Yeah? Well, while you're beating me senseless, keep this in mind: I was first alternate on the Hanover High Boxing Squad.
Nash: What is that supposed to mean?
Woody: It means if anybody got sick or hurt, I'd be the one...
Nash: No! I mean, is that supposed to make you a tough guy?
Woody: Tough enough.
Nash: Yeah, well, proof is in the pudding.
Woody: All right, that does it. Nobody says that to me. Who wants to see a rich boy get his butt whupped?

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