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The Quote

Quote from Sam in The Godfather, Part III

Sam: Let's get down to brass tacks here. How much do you want? Okay, I'm not a, you know, I'm not a rich guy, but I'm comfortable, so let's stop jerking old Sammy around, and name your price. Come on.
Joyce: We don't want anything. We just want to be together.
Sam: Oh, no, don't do Just get into my office, will you? Come on, both of you. I've tried to talk to you on an emotional level, a logical level and in an economic level. Now we're just going to have to raise this whole discussion up to a higher plane.
[in Sam's office:]
Sam: Have pity on me. Oh, please don't do this to me, please. I- I haven't had an easy life. This is going to hurt me, and I- I don't want to be hurt. I mean, I- I don't like pain. And think about your parents. They hate pain, too. Not, not as much as me, but pretty much. Oh, come on, this news'll kill them, you guys. It'll kill me, too. I- I... Please don't. Please, come on, don't do this to me! Don't make me beg.
Woody: Oh Gee, Sam, you feel pretty strongly about this?

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