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Quote from Carla in The Groom Wore Clearasil

Annie: They're not coming back, are they?
Carla: Nope.
Annie: Gee, and I got 50 boy cousins who can drive.
Carla: It was bound to happen.
Annie: You're pretty smart, Mrs. Tortelli.
[Carla gets out a bottle of soda and pours two glasses]
Carla: Let me fill you in on something, Annie. There are three things that you can say about Tortelli men: One, they draw women like flies. Two, they treat women like flies. Three, their brains are in their flies.
Annie: Yeah, one more thing: They throw away the best women.
Carla: You know, for a loser, you're not bad.
Annie: Ditto, Mrs T. [they clink glasses]

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