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Quote from Frasier in Diane's Allergy

Frasier: Well, Diane, are you feeling any better?
Diane: [nasally] There are obviously still traces of Pavlov in the apartment, which I cannot remove.
Frasier: And she's really tried. So far, I've had it fumigated, I've had all the furniture reupholstered, I've had the wallpaper steamed off.
Frasier: Looks darned good, incidentally. We discovered natural brick on most of one wall. I think the place really needed redecorating.
Diane: Sweetheart, how would you feel about linoleum in the living room?
Frasier: What?
Diane: Well, a lot of people have done it. I'm almost sure I've seen pictures- [goes to sneeze]
Frasier: That's it, that's it, that's it! I can't take it any more! Denial, evasion, repression. I devoted myself professionally to fighting all of these and now I'm wading in them upstream.
Diane: Okay, okay, keep the carpet!
Frasier: Diane, we're both intelligent enough to know how often allergic reactions are psychosomatic.
Sam: Gee, there's a thought.

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