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Quote from Norm in No Help Wanted

Norm: What the hell's going on here, Sam?
Sam: Oh, what do you mean, about Bell Day?
Norm: No, did you send in the return I prepared for you or not?
Sam: No, Norm, I didn't.
Norm: Why not?
Sam: Well, I probably should have told you this, I'm conservative when it comes to money.
Norm: Oh, just let me get this straight here. You don't trust me or my work. So you had somebody else do your taxes.
Sam: Hey, no, it's just- A $15,000 refund scared the hell out of me. I mean, I've never gotten any kind of refund before.
Norm: You know why? That accountant you have is a wimp, Sam. I went through those previous returns. The guy wouldn't know a deduction if he sat on it.

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