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Quote from Carla in Affairs of the Heart

Carla: I am not going to forget this. Of all the rotten things guys have done to me, this is the rottenest. My instincts were right.
Hank: Carla, I should have told you. I just didn't want to spoil it.
Carla: Spoil it? O,h I would have felt great, waking up tomorrow with a stiff next to me.
Sam: Well, at least you wouldn't have had to feed him breakfast.
Diane: Hank, why would you take such a risk?
Hank: How could I not? Carla, I've been so careful for so long. Then I met you and I just didn't care. The more I got to know you, the more I wanted to take the risk.
Carla: Wow. You're nuts.

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