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Quote from Diane in Pick a Con.. Any Con

Harry: OK, good night, everybody. George, you need a ride downtown?
George: I'm afraid they're onto us, Harry.
Harry: Onto what?
George: They figured out our little prank.
Harry: Come on, Sam. Times are hard. A guy's gotta do what he can.
George: Harry, I was never much of a team player, especially with Boston small-timers. Why don't you and me play a little one-on-one for the whole jackpot.
Harry: You know, Mole, I was never too impressed by Arizona hustlers, except they got good sinuses. [Diane laughs] You're on. Mind if I deal?
George: No.
Harry: What's the game?
George: Five-card draw, no limit. Here's your half.
Harry: Fine. Ante's a yard.
Sam: What?
Diane: $100. Pay attention. Geez.

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