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Quote from Diane in Let Me Count the Ways

Diane: You want to know what bugs me about you?
Sam: What?
Diane: The cologne you always wear is totally without nuance!
Sam: Oh, my God! Well, that must explain all the laughter behind my back!
Diane: I don't know why I ever try to talk to you. Every conversation we've ever had is an ordeal.
Sam: Well, let's not have any more. What do you say?
Diane: Fine.
Sam: And I tell you something else. I tell you something. You won't catch me trying to come on to you again.
Diane: You're right you won't.
Sam: Well, hey, we agree on something, don't we?
Diane: No, no, I think we agree on one other thing. That I am getting the hell out of here.
Sam: Two things. Diane!
Diane: What?
Sam: Wait!
Diane: What is it?
Sam: I'm sorry about your cat.
Diane: Thank you. [sobs] Thank you.
Sam: You're welcome. [they go to hug and immediately turn away from each other] I'll see you tomorrow.
Diane: All right.

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