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Quote from Sam in Sam at Eleven

Dave: Most of you will recognize the guy standing next to me. Or maybe you don't when he's not in his Red Sox uniform. This is Sam "Mayday" Malone, ex-relief pitcher from the Boston Red Sox, and now owner and bartender at Cheers. How you doing, Sam?
Sam: I'm all right, Dave, thanks.
Dave: That's great. You've been out of baseball, what, for five years now. Do you miss it?
Sam: Well, you know, I miss the fans. The people of Boston were very good to me.
Dave: Yeah. Tell us about some of the great moments you had here.
Sam: Uh, well, I guess I'd have to say one day in Baltimore.
Dave: You wanna tell us a little bit about that, Sam?
Sam: Well, I was... I was working both ends of a double header. It's the old story. First game, bottom of the ninth. I'm coming in with a man on second and third. We're holding on to a one-run lead against the Birds. And, uh, Boog Powell's coming up. [chuckles] I could feel the wind from his warm-up swings. I mean, the guy had the heaviest bat in the League. Papers were full of him. So I figure the only way I'm going to get him is to challenge him on the first pitch. If I get cute, he's going to kill me. So I decide I'm gonna make him wait on me, make him sweat a little bit. I adjust my cap a few times, go down to the rosin bag a couple of times, walk around the mound two or three times... Then, when I figure he's getting antsy-
Man: [enters] Dave, John McEnroe called. Said he's got something to get off his chest.
Dave: McEnroe.
Sam: Hey, Dave, what...?
Dave: Sam, thank you. I'll catch you later.

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