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Quote from Sam in Sam's Women

Sam: What are you drinking?
Debra: A very dry martini.
Sam: Oh, hey, that's a very classy order. Diane, we're gonna have a very dry martini. Nothing for me. We just got back from Symphony Hall. Heard Mozart's Symphony No. 41.
Debra: Sometimes known as the Jupiter Symphony.
Sam: Debra's idea.
Debra: Well, I haven't heard a lot of classical music, but I like it.
Sam: What was that comment you made in the intermission?
Debra: "Give me a cigarette"?
Sam: Not that one. The smart one about the music.
Debra: Oh, yeah. I said, "It's hard to believe that all that music could come out of one man's head."
Sam: "One man's head."
Diane: I heard.
Coach: Well, where else could it come out of?
Debra: You know, I read in the program that Mozart died when he was 35. Imagine writing all that music before you're 35.
Sam: Oh, slow down, Debra. You're giving us too much to think about.

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